Unlock Jenkins on Windows
Unlock Jenkins on Windows
To unlock Jenkins on the Windows machine, you must perform the following steps to reset the initial administrator password or troubleshoot any issues with accessing Jenkins.
Unlock Jenkins
The general steps to Unlock Jenkins are:
Access Jenkins
Open a web browser and navigate to the Jenkins url.
Retrieve the Initial Admin Password. When you first set up Jenkins, it generates an initial admin password stored in a file. You can find this password by navigating to
the following file location on your Jenkins server.
Assume JENKINS_HOME = C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins
Open a command prompt.
Navigate to the Jenkins home directory. The default location is typically:
Locate the file initialAdminPassword. Use a text editor or the type command to display the contents of this file:
This will contain the initial admin password you need to unlock Jenkins.
Enter the administrator password and click on the Continue button.
This will unlock your instance for further configuration. You can create and set a strong password for the administrator.
That’s it.
Jenkins Tutorials
Jenkins Tutorials on this website can be found at: