Jenkins Master Slave Architecture
Jenkins Master Slave Architecture
Jenkins uses a Master-Slave architecture to manage and distribute workloads across multiple machines. This setup is beneficial for scaling your build environment, managing many jobs, and optimizing resource utilization.
Key Components
The key components are as follows:
- Jenkins Master
- Jenkins Agents
Jenkins Master
Jenkins Master is the central component of the Jenkins setup. It orchestrates the build process, manages jobs, schedules builds, and provides the web interface for users. It has several functions, such as Jon management, configuring jobs and pipelines, build scheduling, etc. It provides a web-based user interface to interact with Jenkins, view job results, and manage configurations. It also monitors the status of slaves and jobs.
Jenkins Agent
Jenkins Agents (slaves ) perform the actual build and test tasks. They offload the work from the Jenkins master to allow the master to manage more jobs and handle user interactions without being overwhelmed. The agent functions are :
Build Execution: Executes build tasks and tests as directed by the Master.
Resource Utilization: Provides additional CPU, memory, and storage resources to handle large or parallel builds.
Isolation: Allows different jobs to run in isolated environments, such as operating systems or configurations.
Master-Slave Communication
Jenkins Master-Slave architecture leverages TCP/IP communication to manage and execute build jobs across distributed systems.
The master communicates with the agents through a network connection. Jenkins supports various protocols for this communication, including JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol) and SSH. The communication involves sending build instructions from the Master to the Slave and reporting the status and results of builds back to the Master.
Jenkins Tutorials
Jenkins Tutorials on this website can be found at:
For more details on the Jenkins CI, visit the official website at: