Java Compound Operators
Java Compound Operators
In this tutorial, we will learn about Java compound operators. Compound operators combine multiple effects into one operation. For example, calculation, assignment, and storage in memory of a variable. Java supports many compound operators.
What Are Java Compound Operators?
Java compound operators are a shorthand way of writing an expression that involves a mathematical operation and an assignment. These operators allow you to perform an operation and assign the result to a variable simultaneously. Instead of writing out full expressions, Java provides these shortcuts to reduce redundancy and enhance code readability.
For example, rather than writing:
x = x + 5;
You can simply use the compound operator:
x += 5;
Common operators
Some common operators are as follows:
Addition Compound Operator (+=)
The += operator is used to add a value to a variable and assign the result back to the same variable.
Subtraction Compound Operator (-=)
The -= operator subtracts a value from a variable and assigns the result back to that variable.
Multiplication Compound Operator (*=)
The *= operator multiplies a variable by a given value and stores the result in the same variable.
Division Compound Operator (/=)
The /= operator divides a variable by a specified value and assigns the result back to the same variable.
Modulus Compound Operator (%=)
The %= operator calculates the remainder of a division operation and stores the result in the variable.
Java compound operators are an essential feature that helps programmers write more concise, efficient, and readable code. By combining mathematical operations with assignment in a single line, these operators save time and reduce redundancy.
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