XAMPP is a popular software package that provides a local server environment for web development, including Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl. The XAMPP Shell is a command-line interface with XAMPP and allows you to interact with the server components through commands.
Launch XAMPP Shell
The steps to launch XAMPP Shell are as follows:
To access XAMPP Shell, open XAMPP Control Panel.
On Windows, you can find the XAMPP Control Panel by searching for “XAMPP” in your Start Menu and launching it.
In the XAMPP Control Panel, click on the “Shell” button. This will open a command-line window.
This will open a command window as shown below:
Setting environment for using XAMPP for Windows.
testingdocs@DESKTOP-VVEUN2K c:\xampp
You can type or issue the commands at the # prompt.
The XAMPP Shell command-line interface manages the XAMPP components stack, including Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl. It can also run PHP scripts, system commands, access logs, and script automation.
PHP Tutorials
PHP Tutorials on this website: