Blackbox Testing
Blackbox Testing
In this tutorial, we will learn about the Blackbox testing. This testing type is named so because the software program, from the eyes of the tester, is like a black box, inside which the tester cannot see anything. It is also known as Opaque Testing or Behavioral Testing.
Black box testing is a software testing method in which the testers do not know the internal working details like the structure, design, and implementation code of the tested system.
Given that the internal workings of the software are not visible or opaque to the tester, the term Opaque Testing is sometimes used for this testing.
It is called Behavioral Testing because the focus is on the external behavior of the software rather than the internal logic or structure. Testers check whether the software behaves as expected based on specified requirements.
In this testing, the tester interacts with the software as an end-user, providing the test inputs and observing the test outputs without knowing how the software works internally. The tester only knows what the software should do, not how it does it.
Black-box Testing Techniques
Some main black-box testing techniques are as follows :
- Equivalence partitioning(EP)
- Boundary Value Analysis(BVA)
- Decision table testing
- State transition testing
- Use case Testing
- Error guessing
The main objectives of black box testing:
- Validation of Requirements: Ensuring the software meets specified requirements and user expectations.
- Identifying Defects: Finding errors or bugs in the software by testing various input combinations.
- Usability Testing: Assessing the user interface and overall user experience.
- Regression Testing: Ensuring that new code changes do not adversely affect existing functionality.
Black box Testing Advantages
Some of the advantages of Black box testing are as follows:
- Testers need not know the programming languages( like C++, Java, .NET, etc) or how the software has been designed and implemented.
- Test cases can be designed after the specifications are complete.
- It is performed from the user’s perspective and will help expose discrepancies in the user specifications.
- The testing process is simplified because the tester only focuses on input and output. There is no dependency on the internal structure or design of the software application.
- Black box testing suits software with clear and well-defined specifications, such as web and mobile applications.
Black Box Testing Disadvantages
Some of the disadvantages of Black box testing are as follows:
- In this type of testing, we cannot test all program paths of the software application. Only a few possible inputs can be tested, and many program paths will be untested.
- Test cases are challenging to design. Without well-defined and precise specifications, test cases will be difficult to design.
- There are chances of having unidentified paths. It is challenging to identify all possible test inputs.
- In this testing, the tester checks only the external functionality of the software.
Black box testing is essential in software testing, as it helps to ensure that the software product meets the end user’s needs and expectations. By performing this testing, testers can identify and report any functional or non-functional issues in the software before they affect the end users.
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