Android Google Play Store
Android Google Play Store is a marketplace where we can download and install Android Apps. Apps add extra functionality to the mobile device allow you to perform some value added tasks
Android Google Play Store is a marketplace where we can download and install Android Apps. Apps add extra functionality to the mobile device allow you to perform some value added tasks
ADB(Android Debug Bridge) Setup on Windows ADB(Android Debug Bridge) is a command-line tool that is used to communicate with your smartphone, tablet, etc that can run the Android OS. The adb tool provides a variety of device actions, such as installing and debugging apps, etc. You need to install Android Studio and platform tools. […]
Set ANDROID_HOME environment variable on Windows Let’s see the steps involved in setting up the ANDROID_HOME environment variable on the Windows operating system platform. Steps Right-click My Computer and select Properties. Alternatively, Launch Control Panel >> System and Security >> System On the Advanced system settings, select Environment Variables… button. Choose System variables […]
Application development in the Android platform is popular due to the many advantages that it offers. In this tutorial, we will learn about some key advantages of the Android Platform.
Create Android Virtual Device with AVD Manager In this post, we will learn how to create an Android virtual device using the AVD Manager. (AVD stands for Android Virtual Device). Virtual devices allow you to test your application without having to own any physical devices. Prerequisite: Android Studio should be installed on your machine. Steps […]
In this tutorial, we will explore different examples of mobile operating systems. These are software platforms specially designed for mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets