Dart Variable Scopes
Dart Variable Scopes
In this tutorial, we will learn about Dart variable scopes. A variable’s scope refers to the region of the code where it is visible and can be accessed. The scope of a variable is determined by where it is declared.
Dart Variable Scopes
Dart language supports different types of variable scopes. They are as follows:
- Block Scope
- Function Scope
- Class Scope
- Global Scope
Block Scope
Variables declared inside a block of code (i.e., within curly braces {}) have block scope. These variables are accessible only within that block and any nested blocks inside it. Once you leave the block, the variable is no longer accessible.
void exampleFunction() {
int x = 10; // Block scope starts here
if (x > 5) { // Nested block scope starts here
int y = 20;
print(x); // Accessible
print(y); // Accessible
} // Nested block scope ends here
print(x); // Still accessible
// print(y); // Not accessible, ‘y’ is not in this scope
} // Block scope ends here
Function Scope
Variables declared inside a function have function scope. They are accessible only within that function and not visible outside of the function.
void exampleFunction() {
int x = 10; // Function scope starts here
print(x); // Accessible
if (x > 5) {
int y = 20;
print(y); // Accessible
// print(y); // Not accessible, ‘y’ is not in this scope
} // Function scope ends here
Class Scope
Variables declared as class members (outside of any method) have class scope. They are accessible within all methods of the class.
class MyClass {
int number = 79; // Class scope variable
void print() {
print(number); // Accessible within the class
Global Scope
Variables declared at the top level (outside of any function or class) have global scope. They are accessible throughout the entire Dart file.
int global_x = 23; // Global scope variable
void main() {
print(global_x); // Accessible here
It’s important to note that Dart also supports shadowing, which means that a variable declared in an inner scope can hide a variable with the same name declared in an outer scope. This can lead to unexpected behavior, so it’s essential to be cautious when using the same variable names in different scopes.
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