Electronic Commerce
Electronic commerce has proliferated in the past decade as more consumers and businesses embrace the convenience, speed, and variety of online transactions.
Electronic Commerce
Electronic Commerce or E-commerce is the ability to conduct business electronically over the internet.
E-commerce is the buying and selling goods and services online over computer networks. It can take many forms, such as online retail, digital payments, online auctions, internet banking, online ticketing, and e-learning.
It is a platform for selling products & services over the Internet.
A customer uses a browser and navigates to the merchant’s e-commerce website on the Internet. The customer browses the catalog of products featured on
the website and select items to purchase.
The selected items are placed in the shopping cart. The customer provides a shipping address for purchase and delivery. The customer uses a credit card and pays for the products.
The e-commerce server site then forwards the order to a processing network for payment processing and fulfillment. The bank validates the credit card number.
After success, the order is completed at the merchant’s website, which displays a receipt confirming the customer’s purchase. The shipment will be delivered to the customer.