Dart Analysis Tool
Dart Analysis Tool
The Dart Analysis Tool, or Dart Analyzer, is a command-line tool provided by the Dart programming language. It is used to statically analyze Dart source code and report potential issues, errors, and warnings
in the code.
To use the Dart Analysis tool, you must install the Dart SDK on your system. The steps to install or upgrade the SDK are as follows:
Once installed, you can run the Analyzer from the command line by invoking the following command.
\> dart analyze dart_file_or_directories
We can specify the Dart files or directories that you want to analyze.
For example, to use the Dart Analyzer to analyze a single Dart file named variables.dart:
\> dart analyze variables.dart
In addition to running the Analyzer on a single Dart file, you can also analyze entire directories or projects. For example, to analyze all the Dart files within a directory named src, you can run:
\> dart analyze src
The tool can be easily accessed within IDE tools like IntelliJ IDEA.
Launch IDE and click on the Dart Analysis tab to launch the tool as shown in the figure.
The tool will process the specified file and display any errors, warnings, or suggestions it finds. It provides detailed information about each issue, including the line numbers and descriptions.