Servlet init() method
Servlet init() method
Let’s look at the Servlet init() method. All servlet life cycle methods, such as init(), service(), and destroy(), are defined in the Servlet interface. These are invoked in the following sequence:
- init()
- service(req,res)
- destroy()
Servlet init() Method
The life cycle of a servlet starts with the init() method. After the servlet class has been instantiated, the servlet container invokes this method. The servlet container invokes this method exactly once to communicate to the servlet that it is being placed into service. In this function, the servlet generates and initializes the resources, including the data members, that it will use to handle requests.
The signature of the init() method is as follows:
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
The init() method in Servlet programming takes a ServletConfig object as a parameter. This object stores the configuration and initialization parameters for the servlet. If the servlet fails to initialize the resource to handle the request, the init() method can throw a ServletException. This exception is the most important one to handle in Servlet programming. It indicates that there was an error during the servlet’s initialization.
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