Types of Automation Frameworks
In this post, we will discuss Types of Automation Frameworks. First of all, a framework is a wrapper around some complex internal architecture which makes it easy to use for the end-user. Furthermore, it also enforces a set of standards for implementation and coding standards for the test code.
Different types of frameworks
- Data-Driven framework
- Keyword-driven framework
- Modular framework
- Hybrid framework
We would discuss about these frameworks in details later.
RoI of the automation tool.
During automation, we come across many types of costs like tool cost, script development cost, execution cost, and many other costs. It is necessary to visualize the profit that automation will be giving to an organization over many years on investment.
They are different equations for calculating the Return on Investment . A simple equation is as follows:
Automation Framework characteristics
An automation team designs all the tasks as reusable components. The reusable libraries can be used in multiple situations.
We need to see that tests are reliable and unattended. This allows us to execute tests on multiple machines.
We need to author tests into smaller scripts. This enables effortless modification and maintenance.
Tests need to recover in case of any unhandled application errors.
Error Handling
We need to see that all application errors are managed with exception handlers. In case of errors, the test case would be marked and the details are written to the result file.
Manage Results
The automation framework should generate a detailed result log file with a complete description of Pass/Fail status.
We need to see that scripts designed are independent in nature. No two scripts are dependent unless they are functionally dependent on each other.
The automation suite should be maintainable w.r.t application changes.
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