Concurrent Versions System( CVS)
Concurrent Versions System( CVS)
CVS stands for Concurrent Versions System and is a version control SCM(Source Configuration Management) tool for software projects. It lets developers save and retrieve different versions of the source code. CVS is free software released under the GNU GPL.
Multiple users can simultaneously work on the project using the CVS. Its role is to make the changes in the source code traceable. Older versions of the artifact(source code files, project documents, etc.) are saved and restored.
CVS works as a further development of RCS(Revision Control System) and its predecessor SCCS (Source Code Control System). The RCS manages multiple revisions of files. RCS automates the storing, retrieval, identification, and merging of revisions. RCS is useful for text that is revised frequently, including source code, programs, documentation, etc.
How CVS works
CVS uses a Client/Server architecture. Projects are stored on a server that acts like a central repository. The server stores the revisions of a software project and its history. Clients can either check out or check in the files to the server.
Revision: A snapshot of the software project with the changes of one or several files.
Check Out
Clients connect to the server in order to “check out” a complete copy of the software project.
Users can work on the copy and then later “check in” their changes to the server. Clients can update their own working copy with the changes of other users retrieved.