Dart if-else Statement
Dart if-else Statement
Dart if-else Statement
/* Dart if-else statement demo Dart Tutorials - www.TestingDocs.com */ void main() { int a=9; int b=7; print("Before: if-else statement"); if(a>b){ print("a is greater than b"); } else { print("a is less or equal to b"); }; print("After: if-else statement"); }
Dart Program Output
Before: if-else statement
a is greater than b
After: if-else statement
Test case 1
In the above program code, we have declared two integer variables a and b. The variable a holds 9 and the variable b holds 7 values.
Here, the if condition (a > b) is a Boolean expression that evaluates to either true or false. If the condition is true, the code block inside the if statement is executed. If the condition is false, the code block inside the else statement is executed. Since 9 > 7 the boolean expression or the condition a > b
evaluates to true. The if block is executed.
Test case 2
To execute the else block store a value greater than the variable a in the variable b. Run the Dart program in the IDE.
In the above example, we have used only one if-else statement. However, we can also have multiple if-else statements nested inside each other or use else-if clauses to handle multiple conditions.
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