C Programming Environment
C Programming Environment
In this tutorial, we will learn to set up C Programming Environment. The tools and steps to set up the environment mostly depend on the operating system that you use. We will cover Windows and some Linux operating systems.
Programming Environment
The most important software tools that you require to set up the environment are as follows:
- C Compiler
- Source Code Editor
C Compiler
The compiler compiles the source code into machine code. The source code typed in the source code editor is the human-readable source code of the C program. The C source code is high-level and the computer machine cannot understand the statements. We need a program to translate C source code into machine code.
A C compiler is a software program that converts the human-readable C source code to machine-level executable instructions that the computer can execute. It is a program that translates the source code written in the C language into the machine language or intermediate object language like the assembly language.
The free and most frequently used compiler is the GNU C/C++ Compiler. Steps to install GNU C/C++ Compiler explicitly on Windows operating system:
Install GCC Compiler On Windows
Source Code Editor
The source code editor is a text editor software that allows the programmer to type the C program. There are several text editors available in the market.
Windows – Notepad, Notepad++, TextPad, etc.
Steps to Install Notepad++ Editor on Windows:
Linux – Vim editor, Emacs, GEdit, etc.
Install IDE
Fortunately, most IDEs setups include both the compiler and the source code editor. Instead of installing the tools individually, we can consider installing an IDE(Integrated Development Environment). For example, Code::Blocks IDE
The steps to install Code::Blocks IDE:
Free C IDEs
C Tutorials
C Tutorials on this website can be found at:
More information on Code::Blocks IDE