Database Users
Database Users
The database has users with different rights and permissions who use it for different purposes. Some users retrieve data and some back it up.
Database Users
The users of a DBMS can be broadly categorized as follows:
- Database Administrators
- Database Designers
- End Users
Database Administrators
Database Administrators are also called DBAs. Database administrators maintain the database and are responsible for administrating the database. DBAs are responsible for database backups and database restore operations. Database administrators create access profiles for users and apply limitations to maintain isolation and force security. Administrators also monitor database resources like CPU, disk space, system licenses, database tools, and other database-related maintenance activities.
Database Designers
Database designers are responsible for designing the database. Designers identify and design the database entities, relations, constraints, views, and stored procedures.
End Users
A database end user is a person who interacts with a database to retrieve, analyze, and manipulate data. End users are typically non-technical users who rely on the software application to access the data in the database. End users are those who actually use the database application and execute business use cases.
Some examples of end users are as follows:
- Business Analysts
- Salesperson
- HR Professionals
- Students
- Medical Professionals
Business analysts
Business analysts use the database to extract information and generate reports to support business decision-making.
Salespersons use databases to track sales leads, customer information, and sales performance.
HR Professionals
HR Professionals use databases to manage employee records, payroll, and benefits.
Students use databases to access university academic records, course modules, schedules, and student registration information.
Medical professionals
Medical professionals use databases to manage patient records, track medical history, and maintain billing information.
MySQL Tutorials
MySQL Tutorials on this website: