JDBC Architecture
JDBC Architecture
In this tutorial, we will understand the high-level JDBC architecture with a picture. The major components are as follows:
- Java Application
- JDBC Driver
- Database
A high-level JDBC Architecture is shown below:
Java Application
Java application is the user-defined Java program that wants to interact with the database. A Java application is a set of classes, interfaces, and other programming artifacts that can run on JVM.
The JDBC API defines a set of Interfaces and Classes for making database connections in a Java application. JDBC API allows us to execute SQL statements inside Java application code. It provides remote database access and enables the application to interact with the backend database.
JDBC Driver
JDBC Driver is a connector program that acts like middleware between JDBC API and the backend database. There are several databases out there from different vendors. The most popular databases are Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL, DB2, Teradata, etc. We need different JDBC drivers to interact with different databases.
A relational database is a collection of tables, views, and other artifacts. RDBMS is a system that is capable of holding data and management of data.
The Java application invokes the JDBC API and the JDBC API loads the JDBC driver to interact with the database.
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