JUnit @RunWith Annotation
JUnit @RunWith Annotation
In this post, we will discuss @RunWith Annotation. When a class is annotated with @RunWith or extends a class annotated with it, JUnit will invoke the class that it references to run the tests in that class instead of the runner built with JUnit.
What is a Runner?
A Runner runs tests and notifies a RunNotifier of significant events as it does so. We can also use custom runners if we want by extending the Runner class. When creating a custom runner, in addition to implementing the abstract methods you must also provide a constructor that takes as an argument the Class containing the tests. For example, Eclipse has a built-in a graphical runner.
In order to use @RunWith annotation, we need to pass a class that is extended from Runner.
Class<? extends Runner>
We can run JBehave stories using this annotation. For example, we can use AnnotatedEmbedderRunner with this annotation.
@RunWith(value=AnnotatedEmbedderRunner.class) @UsingEmbedder(embedder=Embedder.class)
AnnotatedEmbedderRunner is a JUnit Runner that uses the AnnotationBuilder to create an embeddable test instance.
Another example we can run JBehave stories using Serenity by extending from SerenityStories class.
SerentiyStories class uses SerenityReportingRunner
SerenityStories is a JUnit-runnable test case designed to run a set of JBehave stories in a given package.