TestNG Framework Basics [ 2024 ]
TestNG Framework Basics
TestNG is a testing framework usually for large-scale end-to-end testing needs. It uses Java, and test methods are written using the @Test annotation. The suite XML testng.xml file mainly drives functional TestNG framework tests.
TestNG handles many of the tasks needed for test case automation and management. It acts as a test engine for running test cases and providing test results.
TestNG Plugin
We can install TestNG in Eclipse easily. Also, find detailed step-to-step instructions here: Working with Eclipse: Installing TestNG
Tests and suites are specified using the configuration “testng.xml” file.
TestNG Overview
It can be run in multiple ways, such as from the command line, IDE plugins, or build tools like Maven in continuous integration tools like Jenkins. TestNG has a better reporting structure and provides XML and HTML default reports.
TestNG can be run in multiple ways, such as from the command line, IDE plugins, or build tools like Maven and Ant. TestNG tests and suites are specified using the configuration “testng.xml” file.
TestNG Features
Some TestNG Annotations
Some TestNG annotations are as follows:
@BeforeSuite / @AfterSuite
@BeforeTest / @AfterTest
@BeforeGroups / @AfterGroups
@BeforeClass / @AfterClass
@BeforeMethod / @AfterMethod
TestNG Tutorials
TestNG Tutorials on this website can be found at: