Java Bitwise Operators
Java Bitwise Operators
In this tutorial, we will learn about Java Bitwise Operators. Bitwise logical operators perform on the individual bits (0 and 1 )of their operands.
Bitwise Operators
Java has a number of operators for working with the individual bits within a value.
The table lists the bitwise operators:
Operator | Description |
& | The Bitwise AND. Bitwise AND operator produces 1 if the bits in both the operands are 1; otherwise, it produces zero |
| | The Bitwise OR. Bitwise OR operator produces 1 if one or both of the bits in its operands are 1, and produces 0 if both of the corresponding bits are 0 |
^ | The Bitwise Exclusive OR(XOR). The XOR operator produces 1 where the bits in its operands are different and produces 0 if they are the same |
Bitwise complement. Bitwise complement operator flips the bits of the operand i.e. what was a 1 bit will now be 0, and vice versa. |
Code Example
The code listing is the example of the bitwise logical operators, such as |,^, and &.
/* * Java Program to demonstrate * Bitwise Logical Operators. * Java Tutorials -- */ public class BitwiseOperatorExample { public static void main(String args[]) { //Declare two variables int x =3; int y =6; System.out.println("x=: " + x); System.out.println("y=: " + y); // Bitwise AND operation System.out.println("x&y is:= " + (x & y)); // Bitwise OR operation System.out.println("x|y is:= " + (x | y)); // Bitwise XOR operation System.out.println("x^y is:= " + (x ^ y)); } }
Program Output
x=: 3
y=: 6
x&y is:= 2
x|y is:= 7
x^y is:= 5
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