Keyboard Interaction in Java
Keyboard Interaction in Java
Let’s learn the keyboard interaction in Java programming language. The keyboard is a standard input device to communicate with the Java program. In Java, keyboard data can be read in many ways.
Keyboard Interaction
Some ways to interact using the keyboard are as follows:
- Command line arguments
- Scanner class
- BufferedReader
- DataInputStream
Java facilities three stream objects to communicate with standard input and output devices. The streams are defined in the System class.
- System.out
- System.err
The is the standard input stream. It is the representation of the InputStream object. The stream automatically maintains the connection between the standard input device(keyboard) and the Java program. This stream is already open and ready to supply input data.
The System.out is the standard output stream. It is the representation of the PrintStream object. The stream automatically maintains the connection between the Java program and the standard output device(computer monitor ). This stream is already open and ready to accept output data.
The System.err is the standard error output stream. It is the representation of the PrintStream object. The stream automatically maintains the connection between the Java program and the standard output device(computer monitor ) to display error messages.
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