Popular Open Source PHP Frameworks
Popular Open Source PHP Frameworks
In this tutorial, we will go through some of the most Popular Open Source PHP Frameworks for application development.
Laravel is an open-source PHP framework for web development. The Laravel framework is useful to create web applications using simple and easy syntax. Laravel is open-source. The framework code is available on GitHub. Anyone can fork the repository and make a pull request to the repository.
Website: https://laravel.com/
Laminas ( earlier -> Zend Framework )
Laminas( Zend Framework) is an open source framework for developing web applications using PHP. The component structure of Zend Framework follows loosely coupled architecture. Each component is designed with few dependencies on other components. This architecture allows developers to use the components they want at will. This framework offers a robust and high performance MVC implementation, build beautiful REST APIs, PHP middleware components and much more.
Website: https://getlaminas.org/
CakePHP is a development framework for building fast, secure MVC (Model – View- Controller )applications.
Website: https://cakephp.org/
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