Selenium Selenese Commands
Selenium IDE test script is a collection of Selenese commands. Selenium IDE tool records the Selenese test commands on behalf of the tester. Testing team can record repetitive tests using this tool and later playback to test the application.
Selenese Commands
A Selenese command is an instruction to the Selenium tool to perform some action on the web application or to verify the web application under test( WAUT) . The three essential components of the Selenese command are as follows:
- Command
- Target
- Value
Command is the name of the command and refers to the action that Selenium has to perform. For example, type to type text into a text box HTML element, click to click a HTML button, etc.
Target is the web element locator. This helps to identify the web element/ elements on the HTML page. There are many locating strategies. For example, using attributes like id, name or using DOM based locating methods like XPath, CSS, etc.
Value is the data parameter for the command. This is an optional parameter.
Insert new command
The tool records the commands in the test script editor. We can also add new commands to the test. To add a new command follow the below steps:
- Right-click on the test step
- Choose Insert new command from the context sensitive menu.
- The tool adds a new command in the script editor.
- Provide the necessary details for the command.( command name, target and value if needed)
Types of commands
Selenium IDE Tutorial page:
For More information on Selenium IDE: