Apache Ant Build Tool
Apache Ant Build Tool
Apache ANT is a Java build automation tool. ANT stands for Another Neat Tool. The main use case of the Ant tool is to build Java applications. We can download the tool from the official website link.
Ant Official Website Link:
Install steps for popular operating systems:
Windows 10: https://www.testingdocs.com/download-and-install-ant-on-windows/
Ubuntu: https://www.testingdocs.com/install-ant-tool-on-ubuntu-linux/
The default Ant build file is an XML file called build.xml. The build file has a <project> tag. The project tag can have multiple <target> tags.
Project tag
<project name=”TDocsProject” default=”all” basedir=”.”>
Target tag
Sample target for compiling Java classes. The target name is build.
<!– Compile Java Files –>
<target name=”build” >
<javac srcdir=”${src}” destdir=”${classdir}” includes=”**/*.java” includeantruntime=”false” classpathref=”build.classpath”/>
We can specify dependencies for the targets in the build file. We can use the attribute depends= to specify the dependencies. For example
<target name=”jar” depends=”build”>
Here the jar target depends on successful build target.
We can use variables in the build.xml.
<property name=”classdir” value=”${dirs.base}/bin”/>
<property name=”src” value=”${dirs.base}/src”/>
<property name=”lib” value=”${dirs.base}/lib”/>
The property value can be references using the ${}. For example to reference the src file path we can use,