Create Test Steps in TestLink
Test Steps are actions the tester performs to execute the Test case on the application. We can create Test steps once we create a Test Case in the TestLink tool.
Create Test Case:
Create Test Steps
Select the Test Project.
Open Test Specification page.
Select the Test Case in the left navigator tree. Click on the Create Step button.
Each Test Step consists of
- Sequence Number
- Step Actions
- Expected Results
- Execution Type
Add the Test Step details and click on the Save button to add them to the Test case.
Sequence Number
Serial or sequence number to identify the Test step. The test steps need to be performed in order.
Step Actions
Mention the Test steps actions that need to be performed to execute the test case.
Expected Results
We need to mention the expected results or the expected outcome of the Test Steps. The tester compares these expected results to the actual results during the test case run. Expected results play an important role to decide the test case pass or fail.
The execution type can be Manual or Automated.
TestLink Tutorials
TestLink Tutorial on this website can be found at:
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