Flowgorithm Main Flowchart [ 2024 ]
Flowgorithm Main Flowchart
Flowgorithm Main Flowchart is the entry point of the program. When we launch the Flowgorithm tool, a new “Untitled” flowchart will be opened. The flowchart contains two symbols, the Main and the End symbol.
Main Flowchart
The flowchart execution starts with the Main flowchart symbol. A control flow line connects the Main and the End symbols. The flowchart execution stops on the End flowchart symbol.
The usual flowchart control flow is sequential and from the top symbol to the bottom symbol i.e The symbol at the top of the flowchart will be executed first and then the symbol below it would be executed. Let’s understand this concept with a simple flowchart.
The flowchart contains three output symbols. We can notice in the output that the flowchart symbols are executed in a sequence.
Note that, we can alter the control flow using some flowchart symbols. We will learn about those symbols in the upcoming tutorials. For example, The Main flowchart can call or invoke other procedures and functions. When the main flowchart calls a function, the control would be transferred to the function.
Flowgorithm Tutorials
Flowgorithm flowchart tutorials on this website:
Flowgorithm Website
For more information on the Flowgorithm tool, please visit the official website at: