Octave plot3 command
Octave plot3 command
In this tutorial, we will learn about the Octave plot3 command. Plot3 is an in-built function that produces 3D plots in Octave. To generate a 2D plot, we can use the plot command. To know more about the plot command:
The simplest function call is:
>> plot3(x,y,z);
where x, y, and z can be scalars, vectors, and matrices of the same length.
There are many different combinations of arguments to this command. To know we can use the help command.
>> help plot3
If the arguments are scalars the arguments are taken to be the vertices of the point to be plotted in three dimensions. If the arguments are vectors a continuous line plot would be generated in three dimensions.
The plot3 command will plot the (x,y,z) coordinates with the default blue line.
Let’s demonstrate the usage of the command with a simple three-dimensional plot of the Helix curve. A helix is a curve that resembles a spiral staircase.
Octave Script
% Octave plot3 3D plot Demo
% Octave Tutorials – www.TestingDocs.com
clear all;
% Generate z vector
z = [0:0.05:10*pi];
% Plot3 command
plot3 (sin(z),cos(z),z);
% 3D plot axis labels
legend (“Parametric Curve 3D Plot”);
title (“plot3() demo – www.TestingDocs.com”);
3D plot
Octave Tutorials
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