RAPTOR Flowchart Symbols
RAPTOR Flowchart Symbols
In this tutorial, let’s discuss the RAPTOR flowchart symbols. A RAPTOR flowchart combines different symbols that can be added to the flowchart from the Symbols area.
RAPTOR Symbols
Different symbols available in RAPTOR are as follows:
RAPTOR Symbol | Name | Description |
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Assignment | The Assignment symbol is used to store a value in a RAPTOR variable. |
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Input | The Input symbol is used to get input from the standard input device, such as the keyboard. |
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Output | The Output symbol displays text to the standard output console, For example, Master Console. |
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Selection | The Selection structure is used for decision-making in the RAPTOR flowchart. This symbol branches the control into two branches. |
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Loop | The Loop structure is used for iteration and repetition in the RAPTOR flowchart. The loop symbol executes a set of statements multiple times. |
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Call | The Call symbol invokes procedures and functions, such as user-defined procedures and graphics routines. This symbol transfers control to the procedure or function. |
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Return | The Return symbol returns the control to the caller. This symbol is used in object-oriented mode. |
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Start and End Symbols.
The oval symbols are used for the Start and End of Terminator symbols. We can use this symbol for the start and end of the flowchart. Each flowchart has a Start and an End point.
Input/Output Symbols
A parallelogram is used for input and output data to the flowchart. The Input symbol prompts the user to enter information, which is stored in variables.
The output symbol prints the information to the MasterConsole window or redirects it to a file.
Assignment Symbol
A rectangle is used for the process symbol. The processing statements and calculations can be done in this block.The assignment symbol is used to assign a variable or to change the value of a variable.
count <- 1
sum <- a + b
The right hand side is evaluated first and then the value is assigned to the left hand side variable.
Selection Symbol
The diamond structure is the Selection symbol. Selection symbol is used for making decisions in the flowchart. The decision expression is entered in the diamond.
Loop Symbol
The loop symbol is a repetitive structure in the RAPTOR flowchart. The Loop symbol is used to repeat a set of steps in the flowchart until the loop condition is met.
These are the important and basic flowchart symbols that are commonly used in the RAPTOR flowcharts. Note that the symbols are limited w.r.t the RAPTOR flowchart. Apart from these symbols, normal flowcharts might have other symbols that we can use in the flowcharts.
RAPTOR Tutorials
Flowchart examples: