Download Git on Windows 11
Download Git on Windows 11
This tutorial outlines the steps for downloading and installing Git on the Windows 11 operating system, Microsoft Corporation’s latest operating system version.
Windows 11 Operating System
Web Browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.
Download Git
Open the web browser and navigate to the Git download URL.
Choose Windows and click on the Download for Windows button.
Download the installer file onto the computer.
Install Git
Open File Explorer and locate the Git installer. In most cases, it is in the Downloads folder.
Run the installer, double click on the installer file.
Click Yes in the UAC prompt.
Click on the Next button. Installation is simple. Choose the options in the setup wizard screens and click on the Next button. Some important install screens are shown below:
Select components
In the select components screen, we can choose the components that can be installed on the machine.
Choose the components and click on the Next button.
New repositories initial branch
We can customize the initial branch for the new git repositories in this screen. Select Let Git decide the default naming convention.
SSH & SSL settings
Git bundles an SSH executable with it. We can specify that Git use an external SSH program or the bundled one.
SSL certificates validation for HTTPS connections.
Click on Finish button to complete the Git installation.
Check the Launch Git Bash option to launch the Git bash window.
That’s it. We have successfully installed Git on the Windows 11 Operating system.