RAPTOR Tool Components
RAPTOR Tool Components
On this page, we will go through an overview of the Raptor tool components. Let’s get familiar with the components of Raptor before building a flow chart using the tool. The main components of the Raptor tool are:
Raptor components
- Workspace Area
- Menu Toolbar
- Symbols area
- Watch Window
- Master Console
Workspace Area
The Workspace area is where flowcharts and UML diagrams are created and run. Initially, this area contains Start and End symbols in the main tab.
The Raptor menu consists of several choices that let the user perform several actions.
Major actions like opening a new file, saving the flowcharts to the hard disk, running the flow charts, etc.
Symbols Area
The symbols area consists of flowchart symbols that are used in building a flowchart.
Novice/Intermediate Mode
- Assignment symbol
- Input symbol
- Output symbol
- Call
- Selection
- Loop
Object-oriented Mode will have one more symbol
- Return
More information about RAPTOR flowchart symbols: https://www.testingdocs.com/flowchart-symbols/
Watch & Master Console Windows
Watch windows are used to trace the variable values, objects in the heap memory, etc. The watch window is helpful for debugging the flowchart.
MasterConsole is used for the flowchart standard output. The output flowchart symbol writes the output to the MasterConsole window.
Raptor Tutorials
RAPTOR tutorials on this website: