Wildfly HAL Management Console
Wildfly HAL Management Console
In this tutorial, we will learn about JBoss Wildfly Server HAL Management Console. Management console allows users to manage the JBoss/Wildfly servers. To Access the Administration Console, we need to have management user credentials or create a management user.
- Operating system environment used in this tutorial is Ubuntu Linux
- Mozilla Firefox to access the Admin Console.
Add Management User
On Windows, to add a new user execute the add-user.bat script within the ‘bin’ folder of your WildFly installation and enter the requested information. By default the realm name used by WildFly is “ManagementRealm”.
How to Launch?
Open your favorite browser.
Navigate to the default console endpoint URL:
HAL Management Console
Some of the features management console:
- Server Instance Status
- Server Configuration
- Add Application Deployments
- Access Control
- Define data sources to be used by deployed applications.
- View Log files
- Monitor JVM Usage, and mush more.
Server Status
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