Flowgorithm Examples [ 2024 ]
Flowgorithm Examples
The official website has some Flowgorithm examples. Navigate to the Flowgorithm website and click on the Documentation link.
This page contains some Flowgorithm examples. We can practice Flowgorithm visual programming using the examples. We should learn the basics of the Flowgorithm software for better understanding.
Flowgorithm flowchart tutorials: Flowgorithm Tutorial
Some of the examples are as follows:
Hello World Flowchart
This would be the first flow chart to learn the programming language basics. Many programming languages require you to write a print statement to get the output “Hello, World!”.
Hello World Flowgorithm Flowchart
Learn to get input from the user, process the information, and print the computations using variables in this flowchart. The flowchart takes the circle’s radius and prints the circle’s area.
In this example, we will calculate the area of the triangle using the input base and height.
The flowchart example is to convert distance from feet to meters using the conversion formula.
The flowchart example is to compute the weight of an object.
An array is a collection of elements of the same type stored in continuous memory locations. Its size is fixed.
Turtle Graphics
Flowgorithm 3.0 introduced the Turtle graphics feature. Flowgorithm flowchart can now draw turtle graphics on the graphics window pane.
Draw parallel lines using the turtle graphics flowchart
In this example, the turtle draws a fixed square on the window.
Draw a circle using the Turtle graphics example.
File I/O
Flowgorithm 3.0 introduced the ability to read and write text files.
Flowgorithm Tutorials
Flowgorithm tutorials on this website: